Croatia earthquake: EU Member States offer further assistance

Following the initial offers of assistance to Croatia – most of it dispatched in the first 24 hours after the devastating earthquake of 29 December 2020 – EU Member States are offering further in-kind assistance.
Sleeping bags, housing containers, lighting systems and mattresses, provided by Germany, France and Austria, are on their way to Croatia or will be in the coming days. Slovenia delivered supplementary housing containers to Croatia on 11 January 2021.
“Once more, I would like to thank all EU Member States for their prompt response to the earthquake. The overwhelming response of 15 EU Member States and 1 Participating State helping the Croatian people in times of need is a tangible example of EU solidarity”, said Commissioner for Crisis Management, Janez Lenarčič.
In 2020 alone, the EU’s Emergency Response Coordination Centre coordinated more than 100 times assistance to countries in Europe and worldwide due to crises.