Testimonials Series – World of Change

Testimonials Series – World of Change

Volunteering is a great opportunity for young people to get involved in society, to upgrade themselves positively, to broaden their horizons, and make positive changes for all of us. Volunteering is also a very important link for society, helping others help reduce stress and feelings of depression, and you feel happier and more fulfilled.

We are glad that we had the opportunity to participate in the photo exhibition in Sarajevo, which for us is an experience that showed us how volunteers deal with crisis situations, but also how they help after such crisis situations.

Many situations would be resolved differently if there were no volunteers. They are here to help the helpless and the needy. This part of the project that took place in Sarajevo, in addition to reminding us of the main objectives, goals, and importance, and complexity of the topic, also allowed us to look at previous and future activities planned with the project.

We had interesting visits, first to the Izvor Nade dormitory, where the first part of the exhibition was held, in which the representatives of our organization also took part. At the foundation, we got to know their goals and activities, the Red Cross teams, the mountain rescue teams, a good photographer gave interesting tips and directions and we heard a representative of the International Police Association.

The second part of the exhibition was held at the Home Work Hub. We had the opportunity to look at very valuable photographs from the field, from the war, and see the difference between different types of photography. Photography is a static representation of a long story, it speaks a lot without saying a word.

Our representatives had a great time in Sarajevo and with great enthusiasm and great ambitions look forward to the future activities of this project.

“Volunteers don’t get paid, not because they’re worthless, but because they’re priceless.”

– Sherry Anderson



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BiH National Karl Popper Debate RECAP

BiH National Karl Popper Debate RECAP

On June 5th 2022, the BiH National Karl Popper Debate competition was held in Sarajevo, at the International Burch University. The teams were determined, prepared and showed great willingness to compete for amazing prizes. The debate ended in a 2-1 win for team ”Burch Betmeni” versus team “Prometeji”. These teams will move on to represent Bosnia and Herzegovina at an International competition involving the winning teams from the following 9 countries: Albania, Croatia, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Luxembourg, Montenegro, North Macedonia, and Serbia.

For those of you who might not have been introduced with the Karl Popper Debate format, it focuses on relevant and often deeply divisive propositions, emphasizing the development of critical thinking skills, and tolerance for differing viewpoints. To facilitate these goals, debaters work together in teams of three, and must research both sides of each issue. We take great pride in focusing on young people who are ready and willing to develop their sense of what a healthy debate looks like. The aim of the O’visor Debate Competition was to raise awareness about volunteering and charity,and also to facilitate in an attractive way the development of skills, abilities, and knowledge of the participants. This debate was intended to educate while teaching hard-work and social etiquette as well and that’s exactly what we accomplished.

This upcoming weekend, we will be hosting the finalists from each partner country in Sarajevo where we will be holding the International Karl Popper Debate! Stay tuned!



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Attention all debaters!

Through the O’VISOR (Only What You Give is Yours) project, we come to you with an exciting national championship of Karl Popper debate being held at the International Burch University on the June 5th, starting at 12:00!

The aim of the O’visor Debate Competition is to raise awareness about volunteering and charity, and also to facilitate in an attractive way the development of skills, abilities, and knowledge of the participants. This debating is intended to educate while teaching hard-work and social
etiquette as well.

Favoring one or more of these aspects at the expense of others is a misunderstanding of the fundamental principles of competitive debating. Nevertheless, the formative aspect is essential given the age of participants as their approach to life is being formed.

Bearing this in mind, participants agree:

a) to adhere to the principles of fair play, decent behavior and mutual respect to the best of their abilities,
b) not to knowingly use untrue information,
c) to debate given motions.

If you are interested in finding out more information regarding the debate rules, please visit the following link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/15gLNmZ0dazUAQMQQsn47PpuFPscLNebD/view.

The winning team of the Final State Competition will move on to represent Bosnia and Herzegovina at an International competition involving the winning teams from the following 9 countries: Albania, Croatia, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Luxembourg, Montenegro, North Macedonia, and Serbia. In addition to the grand prize, the winners will have a chance to receive monetary and symbolic prizes. The first place team will get 500KM, while the second place gets 250KM.

To apply and get informed about the topics, visit this link: https://forms.gle/9yRFiKHCCr2rKdFa7.

We look forward to seeing you all soon and remember, only what you give is yours!


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Testimonials Series – New Vision Organization

Testimonials Series – New Vision Organization

I am Arbi Mustafaj from Albania, part of the New Vision Organization. I recently was part of the four-day O’Visor project for the International Exhibition “Hold your hands to others” held in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.


Being part of this project, was a pleasure because we learned more about the effects of volunteering which can range from many helpful characteristics. From helping those in need, giving back to the community, working for worthwhile causes, and overall helping someone with their health, mentally and physically. Not only can someone create new bonds when they volunteer, but they can strengthen bonds they already have with somebody. 


Another good thing was that we had the opportunity to be there with people from other cultures, so we could ask and talk about everything we were curious about and how volunteering works in their country.

“Hold Your Hand to Others” – this is what stuck in my mind after a four-day experience in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Being part of the 2nd day of Photo Exhibit, placed in Sarajevo, was a pleasure. 


The aim of this project was on researching and creating a new model of local and development of the essential role of volunteers. The second part of this exhibition was presented with 40 new never before-seen photographs and illustrations. 


The best parts of this experience were the workshops with non-academics trained on the use of non-formal education and learning methods. We had the opportunity to socialize with all the volunteers, part of this exhibition as members of different Balkan countries, sharing our experiences about active citizenship issues. 


All participants had the chance to experience the virtual presentation of volunteer work, solidarity and contributions in times of crisis and our everyday life.


-Gliona Gjergjani



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Testimonials Series – SFERA SERBIA

Testimonials Series – SFERA SERBIA

Our Nemanja and Jovana went to Sarajevo last weekend to participate in the O’Visor exhibition part 2. These are their impressions. “For me, the biggest impression was the moment of realization that this region does well during emergencies and crises (as presented in photos during the exhibition, that we all stick together and are with all our resources to prevent or lower the consequences of eminent disaster (not political one thou) ” Nemanja Miletic

Our Jovana says that besides dialogue and photo exhibition, I was impacted by the city itself. Sarajevo has been throughout the very difficult period and somehow it rebuilds itself, with the energy of its citizens, with the energy of unity and sharing. That can be a lesson for many life situations. Also, it was great to meet new people, get to know them, and make some new friends.



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Testimonials Series – IASIS

Testimonials Series – IASIS

Between the 23rd-24th of April, in the context of  O’visor project, following the successful Photo Exhibition held in Greece during February, IASIS NGO and partners from 8 different European countries had the honor to attend the Photo Exhibition in Sarajevo. The host of the event was BRAVO – Bosnian Representative Association for Valuable Opportunities. The photo exhibition was based on voluntary intervention and humanitarian help during crisis situations, such as earthquakes, fires, other natural disaster or even war. During the Photo Exhibition implementation, we had the chance to demonstrate photos of the current Ukrainian crisis and raised awareness among all Europeans on how to act during humanitarian crisis.

More specifically, at 23 of April partners from 10 different European countries attended a photographic exhibition about disasters in the participant countries. In addition, speakers invited to the event, talked about photography, mountain rescue and also  the police association talked about photography and humanitarian work done in BiH. The exhibitions were held at Fondacija Izvor Nade (23 April 2022). At 24 of April, all partners attended another photographic exhibition concerning rescue operations in all participant countries where speakers were also talking about humanitarian photography in detail at Homework Hub.

Thank for the great hosting!

See you at the Sarajevo in June!



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