Testimonials Series – IASIS
My name in Vlachou Evgenia,known to everyone as Zenia, I study psychology and I am a volunteer at the Day Center of IASIS and at the Youth Center «Connect your city». Between 10-14/06/2022 I was in Sarajevo, the capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina, where I participated in one of the events of «O’VISOR» program, which is organised by BRAVO organisation founded in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The main purpose of this program is to empower the EU unity and support the West Balkan identity, on a way that these regions will be able to present and strengthen their volunteering work concerning intervention in crisis situation.
The theme of this event was the Karl Popper debate. Before going to this trip me and my teammates had participated in a debate that was held in Porto Rafti,Greece and we emerged winners, so we won our participation to this debate! Although we had some difficulties concerning our arrival to Sarajevo,due to flight delays,we managed to be there on Friday night and had a rest for the upcoming debate on Saturday. After breakfast, each team chose a paper with a number written in it and this number was our turn to the competition. Our theme was «We,as humans can’t do anything to make Earth safer place», our side was negative and our opponents the Albanian team. Each team had one hour for the preparation of their thesis and then the battle started! It was an ambiguous battle, but unfortunately for us the opposing team were the winners.
Despite the final result, we all had a great time and took this trip and this procedure as an educational experience. We understood that Greeks are not very well educated in debate procedures and this was something that put us in a difficult position in order to manage to win the other team. I have to say that I enjoyed this competition,because I learned a new process that I wasn’t aware of earlier. Also I had the opportunity to visit a country, where I probably wouldn’t think of going for vacation, and enjoyed its vibes and good landscapes. Furthermore, I shouldn’t forget to mention that I met new people,who I have in mind as new international friends, and maybe some day we will meet again somewhere! Last but not least, I have to admit that O’VISOR achieved the goal of making the West Balkan regions come colser, meet each other through this program and acknowledge that we have more common habits than differences. I hope I will manage to participate in similar projects to this!
Thank you! 🙂