Testimonials Series – IASIS

Testimonials Series – IASIS

My name in Vlachou Evgenia,known to everyone as Zenia, I study psychology and I am a volunteer at the Day Center of IASIS and at the Youth Center «Connect your city». Between 10-14/06/2022 I was in Sarajevo, the capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina, where I participated in one of the events of «O’VISOR» program, which is organised by BRAVO organisation founded in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The main purpose of this program is to empower the EU unity and support the West Balkan identity, on a way that these regions will be able to present and strengthen their volunteering work concerning intervention in crisis situation.


The theme of this event was the Karl Popper debate. Before going to this trip me and my teammates had participated in a debate that was held in Porto Rafti,Greece and we emerged winners, so we won our participation to this debate! Although we had some difficulties concerning our arrival to Sarajevo,due to flight delays,we managed to be there on Friday night and had a rest for the upcoming debate on Saturday. After breakfast, each team chose a paper with a number written in it and this number was our turn to the competition. Our theme was «We,as humans can’t do anything to make Earth safer place», our side was negative and our opponents the Albanian team. Each team had one hour for the preparation of their thesis and then the battle started! It was an ambiguous battle, but unfortunately for us the opposing team were the winners.

Despite the final result, we all had a great time and took this trip and this procedure as an educational experience. We understood that Greeks are not very well educated in debate procedures and this was something that put us in a difficult position in order to manage to win the other team. I have to say that I enjoyed this competition,because I learned a new process that I wasn’t aware of earlier. Also I had the opportunity to visit a country, where I probably wouldn’t think of going for vacation, and enjoyed its vibes and good landscapes. Furthermore, I shouldn’t forget to mention that I met new people,who I have in mind as new international friends, and maybe some day we will meet again somewhere! Last but not least, I have to admit that O’VISOR achieved the goal of making the West Balkan regions come colser, meet each other through this program and acknowledge that we have more common habits than differences. I hope I will manage to participate in similar projects to this!

Thank you! 🙂



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Testimonials Series – New Vision Organization

Testimonials Series – New Vision Organization

From June 10th to the 14th we had the great opportunity to be part of  Seminar &Int’l Karl Popper Debate organized by the O’ visor- Only What You Give is Yours project. The event brought up the importance of topics such as volunteering, crisis situations and the way they are being  handled by institutions and other social issues. We were kindly hosted by the Bravo Team and amazed and touched by  Sarajevo city.  

In Sarajevo KP competition we gained experience from a new place and culture. we also made friends from around the Europe, and gained a global perspective which allowed me to develop highly-valued skills such as intercultural communication, foreign languages. This competition helped us with my adaptability, and problem-solving skills.

The debates were eye-openers, revealing many social, environmental and political issues and the different positions opposing parties can have. It was great to see so many well-prepared debaters argue in favor and against such important topics, all bringing up valid strong arguments to support their case. It helped in shifting perspectives and understanding how two opposing positions can both be right and in their own stance. It’s just a matter if who presents their arguments in a more persuasive manner.

We take our chance to thank you New Vision, Bravo Organization  and O’visor for the unforgettable experience.



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Testimonials Series – Youth Strategic Research Center Foundation

Testimonials Series – Youth Strategic Research Center Foundation

Fallacy Factory is back!

Last weekend with my friends we won a very interesting international debate tournament organized by the O’visor – Only What You Give is Yours project. The aim of the event was to emphasize the importance of volunteering and to bring onto the surface systematic issues that are sometimes neglected by society. The topics of this event were focusing on understanding crisis situations more. I am grateful to all the cooperating country delegation that this event could happen, and we could use our debating skills in such a fascinating way to promote important issues. On top of having a thank you note, I would like to tell how incredibly lucky? we got with the win and why it makes this as sweet as it gets.

In order to win we had to win 5 debates in a row, and losing any of them would mean the end of the run. From these 5 debates 4 ended up with a split decision by the respective jury panels, almost all of our debates were decided by just one adjudicator. This was the most apparent during the first round of the Hungarian Qualifiers, when we advanced with a low-points win… Basically we had to brute our way into the finals, which right until it started was not guaranteed for us to happen. Another hardship came with the Karl Popper format, which was something completely new for Péter and Márton.

In the end I never felt we were losing control over the debates, and I thought we could generally dictate and point out the main clashpoints all the time. I am happy that the tournament is over, now I will really need to take some rest and extra sleep… ?

We would like to thank Ifjúsági Stratégiai Kutató Központ Alapítvány for the opportunity and the hosts for the (mostly…) wonderful Bosnian hospitality, and I hope to repeat an event like this in Hungary in the near future.



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O’visor Seminar + International Karl Popper Debate Competition

O’visor Seminar + International Karl Popper Debate Competition

O’VISOR’s aim is strengthening the EU unity and supporting WB region on the way to EU, also strengthening EU and WB identity and conscience built from the grassroots to the community-based, community-built and community-supported starting with the impact and improvement of volunteering policies at the transnational level. We believe that with the International Karl Popper Debate we did exactly that. The debate contestants arrived on June 10th in Sarajevo. They were hosted and greeted by BRAVO members.

Day 1 of the debate started at 10:00 in the conference hall at the BM International hotel. Contestants had to pick numbers by which the competing teams were determined. Each team had an hour exactly to prepare their topics which were randomly generated by a computer program. The topics were extremely in and showed current issues in the world such as the government’s readiness for crisis situations or social media issues that we know of. One team was the “affirmative” team while the other was the “negative” team. First up were the Bosnia A team and Serbia. Bosnia A won the first round. Second up was Italy vs Hungary and Hungary won that round. After that Greece competed with Albania and Albania won. We had a lunch break and then Montenegro competed with Bosnia B team and Montenegro won. After that, Bosnia A competed with Hungary and lost. The last round was Montenegro vs Albania and Montenegro won. After all of this hard work from the debaters and staff members as well as the immense work of the judges, we finally had our two finalists countries: Hungary and Montenegro. Then the competitors found out that the finale of the competition will be held at the Botanical Garden of the National Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The venue looked outstanding and the nature around everyone made the competition feel much less stressful for the competitors. The teams that had lost showed huge amounts of support for the finalists and couldn’t pick their favorite.

Day 2 started with speakers coming from Pomozi.ba and the Danish Refugee Council. They acknowledged the importance of talking about such important topics and debating about them and they also showed great respect and support for the entire project. We thank them very much for attending such an important project event for us and are grateful for their support. Then it was time for one last debate…Hungary vs Montenegro. They came prepared and determined to win. After a long and very hard to decide debate, The Hungarian team took 1st place in the International Karl Popper Debate Competition. They took great prizes home and we are extremely proud of our winners and wish them the best in their upcoming debates. The event lasted for 72 hours total.

After this grand finale, debaters had the chance to check out what the Museum had to offer. One of the main goals that were accomplished from this project is that the debates lasted even after the competition itself. Since the topics of the debate were so up to date, there was a lot to talk about and share opinions. The BRAVO staff members were very involved in making sure that they show Sarajevo in the best way possible. They visited together great places while learning more about Sarajevo history. There were a lot of curious debaters which made us very happy that we could explain the history to them. In their free time, they went sightseeing, they learned more each day about people from other countries, about their traditions and ways of living, they heard new music, shared opinions, cooperated, worked in teams and were overall moving stigmas and prejudices about each other. We also thank our kind judges for their transparency when it came to determining winners.

Day 3 consisted of an overview of next steps relating to the project, a recap of the mobility followed by an exit survey, as well as the distribution of certificates to each of the participants.

The aim of the O’visor Debate Competition was to raise awareness about volunteering and charity,and also to facilitate in an attractive way the development of skills, abilities, and knowledge of the participants. Once again, we are proud of each one of our debaters, for some of them it was even their first time doing such a thing. We love how projects like these push people out of their comfort zones and make them go out of their bubble. We thank all of those who participated in this amazing, one of a kind project and we hope to see you all soon! ‘Till next time!

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Testimonials Series – Moby Dick ETS

Testimonials Series – Moby Dick ETS

Martina Cian: 

Thanks to this experience in Sarajevo for the photo exhibition “Hold your hand to others” I had the opportunity to discover a land rich in history and culture. The photos representing  the world of volunteering had a strong impact, because they are able to seize the moment, to witness an experience and to tell the story of those who volunteer and those who receive it. Volunteering means allocating time resources to a cause that you identify with emotionally, that you truly believe in, and that you are willing to take action on. I think that’s really the key – to choose the cause that awakens in you such a deep feeling, such a great desire to get involved, such a devastating passion, that you are willing to spend your time, your only non-renewable resource, to assign to that particular cause. 


When wearing the uniform, the volunteer is emerging in that specific role and is expressing his whole person in an integral way. The uniform is an external element of practical visibility indispensable in carrying out the work, it is removed and put on the occasion, instead Volunteering is a mental habit that one chooses and has constantly always and in every moment within oneself: it is a style of life and is part of one’s identity.

The exhibition is a testimonial of those who truly and literally are holding their hands to others. 

Vincenzo La Croce:


Regardless of the motivation, one thing is certain: the fact that volunteering is both a challenging and a rewarding activity. One of the known benefits of volunteering is the impact on the community. Unpaid volunteers are often the driving force behind a united community. Volunteering allows a person to connect with the community in which they live and make it a better place. However, volunteering is a two-way street that can help you and your loved ones, as well as the cause you choose to get involved with. When volunteering involves other people, you make a difference to change someone’s day and, to some extent, even someone’s life. There are people who really need help or even just company and who, if they weren’t volunteers, wouldn’t get the support they need. Simple actions can make a big difference; more than this, spending time volunteering helps you make new friends and improve your social skills.


I always remain fascinated by the looks, the smiles of those people volunteering, sometimes so different, but so similar, because they make me hope for a progressive change towards respect, comparison and tolerance. This is the real meaning of volunteering for me.




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